World Trade and Development Group Inc
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Optimal Use of WTCA Resources

It is said that most people only use 10% of their brain’s potential, and that is something that they know and work with intimately day in and day out. For a new World Trade Center, the scope of resources available through the WTCA is staggering and often difficult to grasp.

Over time World Trade Center leaders become more familiar and adept at prioritizing and leveraging the global WTCA network. However, the first few years of your operation are in many ways the most important.

During this developmental phase of your World Trade Center, the World Development and Trade Group can help you maximize the impact of each of your initiatives, and also achieve efficiencies of time and resources. Our intimate relationships with the World Trade Center leaders around the global facilitate highest levels of cooperation and reciprocity.

We can help you conceive and implement programs based on our understanding of the resources that are available, and of the strategies that have been tried, both successfully and unsuccessfully.

Over time, you can inherit from us your own expertise and then go on to pioneer newer and greater projects on behalf of your members.

WTC, World Trade Center, and MAP Logo are all registered trademarks of the World Trade Centers Association, Inc.
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Launch Your World Trade Center
Secure Your License
Develop Your Business Plan
Grow Your Membership
Develop Your WTC Real Estate Complex
Feasibility Study
Planning And Design
Fully Leverage The WTCA Network
Organizing Trade Missions & Expos
Avoid The Big Mistakes
Seasoned Experts Worldwide
Financing Packages